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The States that make up the Corsicanic states

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There are many states in the Corsicanic States and to give a explanation for every state would make this page a mile long. Only the biggest or/and most important states will be on this website. Almost all the mayor originated form the Corsicaner, the home planet. The Capital of all the states how originated on the Corsicaner still have their Diplomatic capital on the home planet but they all have a second capital in the state they control. States what did not originated on the home planet have mostly one capital.

On this we have information on the following topics:


(Former) Orgië


Earth's position
The revolted

This video shows the population per state and the total population of the nation. You can see that there are mainly two type of states in the CS. First type are referred to as the Core states or seen here as the one that originated form the Corsicaner. The second are referred as integrated states and these states are nations what were back in the day their own nation but they joined the states. There are 19 states on the home planet and in entire CS there are about 600 states with more than 1 billion people. The Smaller states are grouped together into fused states to make the power in the nation more balanced. These 600 states are then grouped together in 98 sectors but the mayor states are their own sector too. Each sector contains about 120 billion people or about 36 systems. The entire nations has about 110.000 planets with an average of 850 million per planet. Keep in mind that are almost 100 planets with more then 100 billion people, planets like the Corsicaner have well over a trillion population. In the Cordol system you have: The Corsicaner, Rennar, Polnol and Mipa making this the most populated system in the nation with 4529 Billion people. The biggest contribution is the Corsicaner with close to 4 trillion registered people but 1.5 trillion of these are people who only come one week a year. So the system has about 3 trillion poeple, still the biggest system in the nation.



Human history on The Corsicaner began about 25.000 BTU (Before the Unification) with the first evidence of big scale farming. From these farms nation appeared and these nations fought between each other until there were only 11 big empires left. These Empire are known today as the states of the same name: Giondo, Niederschagen, Dangigar, Fonesco, Parendo, Engaria, Congensia, Orgië, Mungoly and Jahungle. These Empires lived long and peaceful among each other for hundreds of years until Orgië began a conquest to conqour the entire planet in 2000 BTU. They first took over Mungoly and they treated the people very badly, enslaving everyone they could find. After the collapse of the Mungolian Empire they invaded the hard land of the Pangea landmass. Dangigar got invaded and in just a few weeks the entire empire fell and faced the same fate as Mungoly a few years earlier. This conquest became more and more aggressive and they took over all the land they could find. After a thousand of constant war between Orgië and the Free Land Alliance (FLA) Orgië almost succeed with only: Giondo City, Spalag and the Niederschagen rebbels still fighting back. Giondo was no longer fighting Orgië the conventional way but that staged a huge uprising all over the Orgianic Empire with slave holders arming their slave as a army. The liberation wars were tough but the FLA succeeded to bring Orgië behind the Elbarian Desert. The war was won but the entire planet was ruined and there was not much left from before war. On December the 28th the nation celebrates liberation day because this was the date Orgië considered to be defeated. After the war there were only a couple government still standing and Giondo's capital was never successfully taken so they made Giondo the Capital of the planet. The FLA became more and more connected and soon there were proposals to unite all the FLA nations into one big nations. Just 50 years after the war was declared over the nation officially became a reality. In the beginning days of the nation the king of Giondo was also the king of the entire nation. King Bulgungazi the VII signed a paper giving his title away and so the kingdom was abolished in 76 ATU. After the planet unified into one big nation the technology and the population say a boom. In the year 116 ATU the first probe was launched in to space and 31 years later the first man stood foot on the Corsicaners moon, Liana. in 246 ATU the first permanent colony was established on the moon. In 278 ATU the first settlements came on Rennar (closest rocky planet (Like Mars to Earth)) and 436 ATU the entire Cordol System was under CS control. But the most important invention was yet to come, in the year 532 ATU the Threw Engine was invented to provide FTV capabilities to the CS ship. After 532 ATU the nation began an very quick expansion into the galaxy. Now in the year 2020 ATU the nation has close to 93 Trillion people within its borders.







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